Friday 12 November 2010

Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito (Nothing is true, everything is permitted)

In true game geek fashion, I wanted to title at least ONE of my blogs with a quote from Assassin's Creed (more specifically the second one).

Speaking of 'geek', I heard an interesting bit of information the other day over the word 'Nerd'. You see it's supposed to come from 'Ner Do Well', which is old English, meaning 'Never do well'. Of course the irony in this has got be that it's almost always the Nerd that does do very well for himself. It's interesting how different bits of language get mixed around through time.

Well it was supposed to be the big day today, the day when me and my team gave our presentation on what we've been working on for the last 7 weeks or so. I have to be honest though, it well and truly hit me for six when I found out we'd be doing it to the tutors AND the rest of the group, so a good 40 people. But unfortunately (and I really mean that too) we ran out of time with there being no time limit for each pitch, other than the tutors steadily increasing tapping of her foot. So I've got another week to tighten things up even further. 

As the project lead I need to talk about who we are, what is the game, a brief synopsis about the game concept, a little about the back-story then its over to my team. I then make a comeback at the end with all the research, budget details and milestones I've set. I can't help but feel a little proud over how hard particular members of team have worked, and this shined through when I inevitably, in my mind, formed a contrast between our work and the other groups work they were showcasing. However, I'm not about to get complacent, so it's trying for that ultra professional look I can try give the pitch/presentation, so keep you're fingers crossed for me!

There was more today about the opportunity of doing an apprenticeship, I really really hope its a strong possibility! It's either that or try and meet the right kind of people (Games Company Staff) by networking.

Anyway, more soon. Don't forget, leave me comments if you have any feedback or just general comments :-)

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